Lena Kraus-Kroggel - Occupational Therapist

Lena Kraus-Kroggel studied occupational Therapy at the Fresenius University in Idstein. She gained practical experience in various areas - from senior citizen residence to neurology, the disability area and a children's practice. She started her career in an orthopedic rehabilitation clinic for people with spinal diseases, such as Scoliosis or Kyphosis. Here she completed training as a Schroth therapist and carried out corset training, workplace counseling and individual therapies. In particular, the treatment of children with attention-, perception-, movement- or developmental problems are important to her. She always strives for a holistic treatment. Her passion for new treatments and scientific findings she lives as a freelance author for the Georg Thieme publishing company.

Of course relaxation should not be missing! Lena is autogenic trainer and offers in our cabinet a course for autogenic training.


- Testing of children's performance in gross motor skills, manual dexterity and balance (3-16 years)

- Testing of concentration skills and creation of an attention profile (6-16 years)

- Standardized examination of visual perception processing (4-9 years)

- Treatment of developmental disorders, e.g. deficits in gross or fine motor skills

- Graphomotor training

- Concentration training

- Therapy of scoliosis and kyphosis after Katharina-Schroth and corset training

- Ergonomics and workplace consulting

- Autogenic training

- Animal-assisted occupational therapy with Lilly

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