Laurent Kraus - Physiotherapist

Laurent Kraus studied physiotherapy at the Fresenius University in Idstein (near Wiesbaden). Immediately afterwards he completed an extra-occupational master's program in the field of manual therapy.

Thanks to the extra-occupational work, Laurent Kraus has already gained a lot of experience in different facilities. He always expanded his knowledge through additional training, such as manual lymphatic drainage or the scoliosetherapist.

Laurent Kraus carries out his treatments according to the latest scientific findings and attaches great importance to good cooperation with other professional groups, such as Doctors, occupational therapists or psychologists. In this way, he ensures that the human being is considered and treated holistically. In addition to his many specializations, Laurent Kraus is also interested in the rehabilitation of athletes after injuries. In consultation with the patient, Laurent Kraus works out an individual treatment program for all patients in order to achieve the patient's goals.

All life is movement, movement is life.
(Leonardo da Vinci)


  • Manual therapy
  • Dizziness and balance disorders IVRT-Therapy
  • Scoliosetherapy after Katharina-Schroth
  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)
  • Functional organ disorders (manual osteopathy)
  • Medication and nutrition in physiotherapy
  • Device-supported training
  • Kinesiotaping
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